Dear Friends,

PN Medical, makers of the Breather products, invite you to participate in a live, complimentary training on the successful implementation of a respiratory muscle training program using the Breather with our master clinician, Betsy Page, and director of Breather University, Wendy Underwood. This training is intended for current, future & even experienced Breather users.

During the training, you will learn how to properly breathe through THE BREATHER for ideal targeting of the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles. You’ll learn what it means to work “In The Zone” so you can be confident you’re using it correctly to strengthen and maintain good respiratory muscle strength. You’ll also learn how to come back from any setbacks you may experience after becoming ill, having an exacerbation, or too much time away from your training. We’ll talk about the importance of adopting the use of the BREATHER as a lifelong routine and what we have to help you stay on track. Finally we’ll have a question and answer segment so you can ask any questions that you may have.

Choose your preferred date and sign up for the Complimentary Breather Training. We look forward to seeing you.

In Health,

Betsy & Wendy


  1. Why This Matters: What’s happening to your respiratory system when you train.
  2. RMW: Learn what we mean by Respiratory Muscle Weakness & why it’s a BIG DEAL!
  3. Tip: The key to success with your Breather is to train “IN THE ZONE.”
  4. Setbacks: We’ll cover how to come back strong from sickness or injury.
  5. Shortcut: We’ll show you our most effective & popular DIY videos and downloads.
  6. Q & A: Ask us anything segment at the end


JUN 12, 2024

1:00 PM EST

JUN 12, 2024

1:00 PM EST


Elizabeth (Betsy) Page, MA, CCC/SLP
Master Clinician

Elizabeth (Betsy) Page has been a Speech-Language Pathologist since 2005. She is a graduate of the University of Central Florida and has experience in various adult rehabilitation settings. Betsy promotes an interdisciplinary approach to medical-based rehabilitation assessment and treatment.

She is a leader in her field and has enjoyed great outcomes working with those impacted by Respiratory Muscle Weakness among various other medical conditions and functional limitations. Betsy has a passion for clinical program development, implementation, and education. She also serves as Master Clinician for PN Medical.