Effect of RMT on AECOPD

Effect of RMT on AECOPD
Many individuals are familiar with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), however fewer might be aware of the various other diseases and conditions that can develop as a result. Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD), for example, is one such complication. AECOPD is characterized by a worsening of symptoms over at least 48 hours, and can lead to decreased lung function, respiratory failure and even death. Older adults with COPD are at increased risk of AECOPD.

In today’s blog, we’re going to take a look at the effect of RMT on AECOPD. The study we’re exploring tested a respiratory rehabilitation exercise package including respiratory muscle training (RMT) by pursed lip breathing (PLB) for improvement of AECOPD symptoms in COPD inpatients.

Key Findings

  • COPD patients are at increased risk of acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD).
  • AECOPD can lead to decreased lung function, respiratory failure and death.
  • 4 days of respiratory muscle training (RMT) significantly improved dyspnea, cough and exercise tolerance in AECOPD inpatients.

Patient Impact

Short-term RMT effectively alleviates AECOPD symptoms.

Study Methods

COPD inpatients with AECOPD underwent four days of respiratory rehabilitation, including the following:

  • Pursed Lip Breathing
  • Sputum Clearance Exercises
  • Diseases Awareness Training
  • Walk Training
  • Upper Limb Exercise
  • Medical Assistance
  • Dyspnea, cough, sputum expectoration and and exercise tolerance (6MWT) were assessed before and after the training, and the results were compared to a control group.

    Study Results

    Dyspnea, cough, and and exercise tolerance significantly improved after the respiratory rehabilitation program.

    Short-term respiratory rehabilitation including RMT effectively alleviates the symptoms of AECOPD and increases exercise tolerance in elderly patients, and should be included in inpatient care.

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