Strengthen respiratory muscles, reduce shortness of breath and promote safer swallow

THE BREATHER is the first drug-free device for those who suffer from shortness of breath, speech and swallow difficulties, and other respiratory issues resulting in respiratory muscle weakness.


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discover a life without breathlessness

THE BREATHER has helped more than 2 million people worldwide breathe better

breathe easier in just one week

A home gym for your lungs

Practice Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) at home to strengthen your lungs and improve your respiratory fitness.

Say goodbye to shallow breathing

Get more oxygen that your body needs to function and improve mental clarity.

Reduce the need for treatments

Ease symptoms related to respiratory and/or cardiac weakness.

Top Rated Customer Service

Get access to live and on-demand RMT education, free in-app coaching using Breather Coach, plus demos and downloads produced by an experienced clinical and research team.

is THE BREATHER right for you?

Improve your lung and heart health, so you can do the things you love with the people you love.

▼ Click to find out how THE BREATHER can help you ▼

  • Maintain your energy levels and cardiac health by getting more oxygen to your vital organs and brain
  • ​Participate in family activities longer without getting breathless and falling behind
  • Support cardiopulmonary health without medications
  • ​Eliminate shallow breathing to reduce stress & anxiety
  • ​Reduce high blood pressure and increase blood flow to your limbs by taking deeper breaths
  • ​Practice deep breathing to keep cortisol levels under control and avoid rapid weight gain, mood swings & increased respiratory rate

Ease symptoms of your chronic illness and speed up recovery, so you can go back to enjoying life.

▼ Learn about more BREATHER benefits here ▼

  • Improve airflow through vocal folds for strong speech & effective swallow function
  • ​​Strengthen important respiratory muscles by increasing pressures of inspiration and expiration
  • Effectively clear your airway and cough ability to avoid aspiration and pneumonia
  • ​​Improve the delivery and effectiveness of inhaled medications
  • Ease symptoms of temporary and chronic cardiopulmonary (respiratory and cardiac) issues
  • ​Protect your airway and lungs against irritants, particulates & pathogens
  • ​​Wean off of trach and vent faster, shorten length of stay, and lower your likelihood of re-admission

Reach your respiratory goals with the most unique and effective device on the market.

▼ Discover why THE BREATHER is better than the rest ▼

  • Lightweight, compact & travel friendly
  • ​​​Easy to operate so you can use it at home
  • Drug-free, chemical-free device (no prescription needed)
  • Made with easy-to-use resistance controls
  • ​New mouth seal design makes training more comfortable
  • Ergonomic design helps those with poor hand strength & mouth grip
  • ​​​1st and #1 combined Respiratory Muscle Training device in the world

how it works in 3 easy steps

THE BREATHER allows you to adjust the inhale and exhale resistance levels independently so you can train your lungs in a way that is specific to your needs. All you need is 10 minutes a day training from home.

  1. Breathe in and out through your Breather.
  2. Adjust the inhale/exhale dials to your level, increasing resistance when you can.
  3. Complete 2 sets of 10 breaths twice a day, 6 days a week.

real breather users. real results.

Imagine what it will feel like to breathe effortlessly and live a longer, more joyful life without prescription medications or expensive treatments.

Other respiratory devices sell for…

$120 / $299 / $98



  • #1 Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) device with more than 2 million Breather users
  • ​Strengthens inspiratory and expiratory muscles independently for customized training
  • Drug-free, recommended by clinicians worldwide
  • Helps improve quality of life

Get everything you need to breathe easier for only


  • Your new Breather device with 6 inspiratory and 5 expiratory settings (choose Blue or Pink)
  • Two mouthpieces including an original comfort mouthpiece and a 15mm to 22mm adapter
  • Access to live Breather Training Sessions every month with ask-us-anything Q&A segment
  • ​Unlimited access to on-demand videos, demos and downloads to build your confidence and success with The Breather
  • ​BREATHER COACH App access and 4-Week Training Journal to track your progress, compare your progress to other users, and and unlock customized training plans (available on iOS and Android)
  • 30-day money back guaranteed

meet the
Breather Coach App.

Included in your Breather purchase, you can use the BREATHER COACH App any time to access free, customized training plans. You can also track and compare your progress from your very first Breather session to help you reach your goals quickly and easily.


  • Complimentary in-app coaching to master your Breather training
  • Training plans based on your individual progress
  • Connect with your clinician or coach instantly
  • ​Assistance through every daily breathing session

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join almost 2,000,000 happy Breather users

“Best on the market. I tested positive for the virus the week before Thanksgiving, and one of the symptoms was shortness of breath. I couldn’t walk 10 feet without losing my breath. I found this and started using it…I can tell a difference. Johns Hopkins Hospital said I should feel a definite improvement in 6 days. So far so good!”

Lenore A.

“AMAZING. My mom recieved a diagnosis of COPD and her dr wanted her to use inhalers twice a day. We ordered this device, she uses it three times daily (3 sets of 10 breathes daily), and she is now off of her inhalers.”
“Great for Asthma! The Breather is a resistance based Inspiratory / Expiratory trainer with levels of resistance from 1-4/5. I bought this for my mother, who has asthma. She has used it and reports that it helps decrease her shortness of breath. It doesn’t look like much, but it seems to work for many people.”
—Cynthia M.
“Simple, sleek and easy to use. I just tested the breather before my last basketball game and noticed huge improvements in my breathing and stamina. I didn’t even have to sub out once! It is easy to use and bring anywhere!”
—Jona T.
“I have COPD and suffer from chronic lung infections. My resting oxygen saturation rates have been around 82 without oxygen. I have been using the breather consistently and my oxygen saturation is at 84. The good news is my resting oxygen saturation is not going down but up. It improves your oxygen saturation rates and helps you to have a productive cough.”
—Victoria B.

“Simple and works! I been having breathing problems just walking. This simple device just gets the job done. I started doing better after a short time using it. Thanks again!”
—Alan B.

“I recommend the Breather for patients with Parkinson’s Disease. It is easily manageable to increase your resistance levels, and I recommend it to improve/maintain muscles that are involved with swallowing, voicing and coughing.”
“Highly recommend! This little gadget is a wonderful tool to build your lung capacity. As a nurse, I am wearing a mask almost 12 hours a day and recently went to my yearly physical only to find out my CO2 was borderline high. This means you are not exhaling strong enough and CO2 is left in your system. A couple of days into the treatment I could feel myself taking deeper breaths and exhaling a lot stronger and being a lot more cognizant of my breathing. I would highly recommend this to anyone with issues of lung capacity. I use the breather twice a day and bought the case. It is a well-built system that is not as large as the incentive spirometer and therefore easy to travel with. The dials let you increase the resistance as your lungs get stronger breathing in and breathing out. Anyone post-COVID would benefit from this device and lung exercise.”
“Great device. I bought this for my 82 yr old dad who suffers from COPD/emphysema, apnea, and asthma. He also has aphasia from stroke so learning how to follow instruction, with something that is easy, is a must. This device fits the bill. He got sick early in the year and was on a rotation of nebulizer, O2 therapy and lung strengthening/diaphragmatic breathing with this device. His O2 levels were low and this helped tremendously get him to take those deep inhalations easily and strengthen the lungs, which in turn led to a build up of higher O2 concentrations on a regular basis. It’s a great device! I bought one for me as I was diagnosed with apnea and am also a singer and with regular use, I see it has made a world of difference. During our bout with the virus, I used it to help strengthen as well, along with our nebulizer treatments. I can’t say enough about this device. During these times I personally feel this is a great device that especially those with lung issues need to make part of their care-repertoire and one that doctors need to recommend!”
—Alma S.
“I really like ‘The Breather’ because it’s small and simple to use, and after using it for a couple of days I feel that it is working to strengthen my diaphragm. I made the purchase because I have Parkinson’s disease which affects all your muscles , the muscles that help with your voice, and how it projects, and the muscles that help with swallowing. It’s also going to help keep my lungs clear as I continue to age.”
“It really works! I am so grateful that my physical therapist recommended this product. I’ve used it daily for a week and a half and can feel the change for the better in my lung strength.”
—Candyce F.
“The single best tool for lung transplant recipients. This tool helped me more than any other. 10 minutes everyday. What a difference.”
“Love it! It’s simple and HELPS! My husband is weaning off a trach. Wouldn’t be able to without this device recommended by his speech therapist. It increases his lung capacity and ability to improve his oxygen levels.”
—Christine Z.
“Best breathing help for stay at home Covid19 patients. This is an absolute must. It strengthens the lungs and expands the cavity so the patient can receive more natural oxygen. This kept my son-in-law out of the hospital.”
—Linda K.
“The Breather is an amazing product!! I have COPD and purchased The Breather to strengthen my diaphragm muscles. I have significantly improved my breathing by using it every day. It also helps to empty your lungs of phelgm which makes breathing so much better. I have and will continue to tell people about how great this product is. Thank you so much. It is worth every penny!!”
—Robert B.
“A must have for post hospital recovery of covid pneumonia. This has been a game changer. My husband is 6 weeks post hospital with CoVid pneumonia. This device has helped hugely in our at home respiratory therapy. The one we got from the hospital is only for inhaling. This works for inhale and exhale breathing with increasing levels of resistance.”
—Pamela H.
“I have only uesd the breather for 3 days but I think that I have more energy than I had before,I certainly feel livelier and at my age(80)that is certainly a bonus.I am going to keep on with it using the breathing programme provided.”
“I have COPD and this is the most helpful breathing aid I have tried that doesn’t use drugs. Deceptively simple, but fiendishly clever.”
—Russell Walton
“Love the product. It is exactly what my speech therapist advised. The only problem I had was that it was missing the sticker with the serial number needed to activate all of the online benefits that come with it. My therapist was able to show me the videos but I still don’t have the online coach, etc.”
—Lynette Hopson

Our Mission and Purpose

To help millions of people worldwide reach their peak breathing potential, strengthen their heart and lungs, and improve their quality of life without prescription medications

Our Quality Promise

THE BREATHER is covered by our 30-day money back guarantee, and we are happy to replace or exchange your Breather for up to one year from the purchase date, if activated.