Strengthen respiratory muscles, reduce shortness of breath and promote safer swallow
THE BREATHER is the first drug-free device for those who suffer from shortness of breath, speech and swallow difficulties, and other respiratory issues resulting in respiratory muscle weakness.
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breathe easier in just one week
A home gym for your lungs
Practice Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) at home to strengthen your lungs and improve your respiratory fitness.
Say goodbye to shallow breathing
Reduce the need for treatments
Ease symptoms related to respiratory and/or cardiac weakness.
Top Rated Customer Service
Get access to live and on-demand RMT education, free in-app coaching using Breather Coach, plus demos and downloads produced by an experienced clinical and research team.
is THE BREATHER right for you?
Improve your lung and heart health, so you can do the things you love with the people you love.
▼ Click to find out how THE BREATHER can help you ▼
- Maintain your energy levels and cardiac health by getting more oxygen to your vital organs and brain
- Participate in family activities longer without getting breathless and falling behind
- Support cardiopulmonary health without medications
- Eliminate shallow breathing to reduce stress & anxiety
- Reduce high blood pressure and increase blood flow to your limbs by taking deeper breaths
- Practice deep breathing to keep cortisol levels under control and avoid rapid weight gain, mood swings & increased respiratory rate
Ease symptoms of your chronic illness and speed up recovery, so you can go back to enjoying life.
▼ Learn about more BREATHER benefits here ▼
- Improve airflow through vocal folds for strong speech & effective swallow function
- Strengthen important respiratory muscles by increasing pressures of inspiration and expiration
- Effectively clear your airway and cough ability to avoid aspiration and pneumonia
- Improve the delivery and effectiveness of inhaled medications
- Ease symptoms of temporary and chronic cardiopulmonary (respiratory and cardiac) issues
- Protect your airway and lungs against irritants, particulates & pathogens
- Wean off of trach and vent faster, shorten length of stay, and lower your likelihood of re-admission
Reach your respiratory goals with the most unique and effective device on the market.
▼ Discover why THE BREATHER is better than the rest ▼
- Lightweight, compact & travel friendly
- Easy to operate so you can use it at home
- Drug-free, chemical-free device (no prescription needed)
- Made with easy-to-use resistance controls
- New mouth seal design makes training more comfortable
- Ergonomic design helps those with poor hand strength & mouth grip
- 1st and #1 combined Respiratory Muscle Training device in the world
how it works in 3 easy steps
THE BREATHER allows you to adjust the inhale and exhale resistance levels independently so you can train your lungs in a way that is specific to your needs. All you need is 10 minutes a day training from home.
- Breathe in and out through your Breather.
- Adjust the inhale/exhale dials to your level, increasing resistance when you can.
- Complete 2 sets of 10 breaths twice a day, 6 days a week.
real breather users. real results.
Imagine what it will feel like to breathe effortlessly and live a longer, more joyful life without prescription medications or expensive treatments.
Other respiratory devices sell for…
$120 / $299 / $98
Get everything you need to breathe easier for only
- Your new Breather device with 6 inspiratory and 5 expiratory settings (choose Blue or Pink)
- Two mouthpieces including an original comfort mouthpiece and a 15mm to 22mm adapter
- Access to live Breather Training Sessions every month with ask-us-anything Q&A segment
- Unlimited access to on-demand videos, demos and downloads to build your confidence and success with The Breather
- BREATHER COACH App access and 4-Week Training Journal to track your progress, compare your progress to other users, and and unlock customized training plans (available on iOS and Android)
- 30-day money back guaranteed
meet the
Breather Coach App.
Included in your Breather purchase, you can use the BREATHER COACH App any time to access free, customized training plans. You can also track and compare your progress from your very first Breather session to help you reach your goals quickly and easily.
- Complimentary in-app coaching to master your Breather training
- Training plans based on your individual progress
- Connect with your clinician or coach instantly
- Assistance through every daily breathing session
Featured In
join almost 2,000,000 happy Breather users
“Best on the market. I tested positive for the virus the week before Thanksgiving, and one of the symptoms was shortness of breath. I couldn’t walk 10 feet without losing my breath. I found this and started using it…I can tell a difference. Johns Hopkins Hospital said I should feel a definite improvement in 6 days. So far so good!”
Lenore A.
—Cynthia M.
—Jona T.
—Victoria B.
“Simple and works! I been having breathing problems just walking. This simple device just gets the job done. I started doing better after a short time using it. Thanks again!”
—Alan B.
—Alma S.
—Candyce F.
—Christine Z.
—Linda K.
—Robert B.
—Pamela H.
—Russell Walton
—Lynette Hopson
Our Mission and Purpose
To help millions of people worldwide reach their peak breathing potential, strengthen their heart and lungs, and improve their quality of life without prescription medications
Our Quality Promise
THE BREATHER is covered by our 30-day money back guarantee, and we are happy to replace or exchange your Breather for up to one year from the purchase date, if activated.